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Mani Rimdu Festival Trekking 2024

Trip Grade
Trip Type
Maximum Elevation
3860 M
Tea house
Best Time
October 28th, 29th, and 30th, 2023
Trip Start
Trip Ends


Mani Rimdu Festival Trekking 2024

Mani Rimdu Festival Trekking 2024 is culturally immersive event that combines the Everest Base Camp Trek through the stunning landscapes of the Himalayas with the vibrant celebrations of the Mani Rimdu Festival. This unique experience takes adventurers on a mesmerizing voyage to the heart of the Everest region in Nepal, offering not only breathtaking mountain vistas but also an opportunity to witness and participate in the rich cultural traditions of the Sherpa people.

The Mani Rimdu Festival Trekking is a journey that resonates with the beating heart of the Himalayas. As trekkers make their way through picturesque villages, rhododendron forests, and snow-capped peaks, they become a part of the rugged terrain, the resilient communities, and the centuries-old spiritual practices that have shaped the region. This trekking experience is a blend of physical endurance and spiritual awakening, leading participants to Tengboche Monastery, the epicenter of the Mani Rimdu Festival.

The Mani Rimdu Festival is a paramount event for the Sherpa community, celebrated with grandeur and devotion. It is a sacred ritual that holds profound religious significance, encompassing intricate masked dances, colorful costumes, and ancient ceremonies. The festival marks the establishment of Buddhism in the Everest region by Guru Rinpoche, and its name, Mani Rimdu, translates to “The Blessing of the Mani Stones.” The festival is an offering of prayers for the well-being of all sentient beings and the world.

As trekkers arrive at Tengboche Monastery during the Mani Rimdu Festival Trekking, they witness the fusion of spirituality and culture. The monastery becomes a stage where monks perform intricate dances and rituals, captivating all those in attendance. The vibrant energy, the sound of sacred music, and the elaborate masks create an otherworldly atmosphere, transporting participants into a realm where tradition and mysticism coalesce.

The Mani Rimdu Festival Trekking not only provides an opportunity to witness the festival but also allows trekkers to immerse themselves in the Sherpa way of life. Along the journey, they engage with local communities, gaining insights into their customs, traditions, and daily routines. The interactions with the warm and hospitable Sherpa people add depth to the experience, fostering a cultural exchange that goes beyond the festival itself.
The Mani Rimdu Festival Trekking is a transformative odyssey that intertwines the physical challenges of trekking with the spiritual richness of the Mani Rimdu Festival Trekking. It is a journey that traverses landscapes and souls, where the echoes of ancient rituals meet the footprints of modern-day adventurers. For those seeking not only the grandeur of nature but also the essence of culture, this trekking experience is a gateway to discovering the captivating tapestry of the Everest region and the soul-stirring Mani Rimdu Festival.

Date of Mani Rimdu Festival 2024

The Mani Rimdu Festival 2024 is scheduled to take place on the 15th, 16th, and 17th of October. During these dates, visitors have the incredible opportunity to witness the vibrant and spiritually enriching celebrations of this significant festival in the Himalayan region.

How to celebrate Mani Rimdu Festival?

The Mani Rimdu Festival is a cherished and vibrant celebration observed by the Sherpa community in the Everest region of Nepal. This significant Buddhist festival is a three-day affair, marked by intricate rituals, colorful dances, and spiritual performances. Here’s how the Mani Rimdu Festival is celebrated:

  • Preparations and Blessings: Leading up to the festival, the monks of the Tengboche Monastery engage in special prayers, rituals, and preparations. They bless the sacred ground where the festival will take place.
  • Construction of the Mandala: A central aspect of the Mani Rimdu Festival is the construction of the intricate Mandala, a symbolic representation of the universe. Monks meticulously create the Mandala using colored sand, grains, and other materials. This process symbolizes impermanence and the need to let go of attachments.
  • Empowerment Ceremony: On the first day of the festival, devotees gather to receive blessings and empowerment from the head lama (spiritual leader). This ceremony is meant to inspire spiritual growth and connection.
  • Masked Dances (Cham): The highlight of the festival is the series of masked dances performed by the monks. These dances depict various deities, historical events, and spiritual narratives. Each dance has a specific significance and meaning, often conveying teachings from Buddhist philosophy.
  • Costumes and Rituals: The dancers wear vibrant and elaborate costumes, adorned with ornate masks representing different deities. The dances are accompanied by traditional music, chants, and rituals that create a mesmerizing and sacred atmosphere.
  • Fire Puja: On the final day of the festival, a Fire Puja (ritual offering) is conducted. This ritual symbolizes the purification of negative energies and the invoking of positive forces. It’s a spiritually charged event that marks the culmination of the festival.
  • Receiving Blessings: Attendees, including locals and tourists, have the opportunity to receive blessings from the monks. They also offer symbolic offerings, such as khata (traditional scarves), to receive blessings in return.
  • Cultural Exchange: The Mani Rimdu Festival is not only a religious event but also a time for cultural exchange. Locals and visitors come together to celebrate, learn, and appreciate the Sherpa culture and traditions.
  • Community Feast: Festive meals are shared among the community, fostering a sense of unity and togetherness. Traditional Sherpa dishes are served, and everyone joins in the joyous atmosphere.
  • Reflection and Renewal: The Mani Rimdu Festival is a time for spiritual reflection, renewal, and an opportunity to strengthen one’s connection to Buddhism and the teachings it embodies.

By participating in the Mani Rimdu Festival, individuals not only witness the unique cultural and spiritual expressions of the Sherpa community but also engage in a profound experience that resonates with the core principles of Buddhist practice and philosophy.

Why does Mai Rimdu Celebrate?

The Mani Rimdu Festival is celebrated for spiritual and religious reasons, deeply rooted in Tibetan Buddhism. This festival holds profound significance for the Sherpa community in the Everest region of Nepal. Here are the main reasons why Mani Rimdu is celebrated:

  • Commemoration of Guru Rinpoche: Mani Rimdu celebrates the arrival of Guru Padmasambhava, also known as Guru Rinpoche, in Tibet. Guru Rinpoche is credited with introducing Buddhism to Tibet and is considered a highly revered figure in Tibetan Buddhism. The festival marks his legendary creation of the Mandala of the Five Dhyani Buddhas.
  • Blessings and Empowerments: Mani Rimdu is a time when devotees gather to receive blessings and empowerments from the head lama or spiritual leader. These blessings are believed to bring spiritual growth, healing, and protection to the attendees.
  • Merit Accumulation: Participating in the festival’s rituals, dances, and ceremonies is believed to accumulate positive merit, which contributes to one’s spiritual progress and eventual liberation from suffering, according to Buddhist beliefs.
  • Renewal of Vows: The festival provides an opportunity for monks and nuns to renew their vows of monastic commitment. It is a time of rededication to their spiritual path and a chance to reaffirm their dedication to the teachings of Buddhism.
  • Symbolism of Dance and Rituals: The masked dances (Cham) and rituals performed during Mani Rimdu hold symbolic meanings. They depict stories from Buddhist scriptures, historical events, and spiritual teachings. These dances serve as a visual representation of profound philosophical concepts.
  • Purification and Protection: The rituals and ceremonies conducted during Mani Rimdu are believed to purify negative energies, dispel obstacles, and protect individuals and communities from harm. The Fire Puja, in particular, is thought to cleanse and purify the environment.
  • Cultural Preservation: Mani Rimdu is a vital means of preserving Sherpa culture, traditions, and religious heritage. Through this festival, younger generations are exposed to the teachings, rituals, and artistic expressions that have been passed down through centuries.
  • Community Bonding: The festival fosters a strong sense of community and togetherness. Locals, monks, and visitors come together to celebrate, share meals, and engage in cultural exchange. It strengthens the sense of belonging and shared identity among the Sherpa community.
  • Inspiration and Devotion: Mani Rimdu serves as a source of inspiration for practitioners and devotees. It deepens their devotion to Buddhism, encourages them to live in accordance with its principles, and reinforces their commitment to the spiritual path.

In essence, the Mani Rimdu Festival is a time of spiritual renewal, cultural preservation, and communal celebration. It encapsulates the core values of Tibetan Buddhism and offers a unique opportunity for devotees to connect with their faith, receive blessings, and engage in profound rituals that reflect the essence of Buddhist philosophy.

How many days Mani Rimdu is Celebrated?

The Mani Rimdu Festival is typically celebrated over the course of THREE DAYS. It is a multi-day event marked by various rituals, ceremonies, masked dances, and other spiritual activities. Each day of the festival holds its own significance and features unique observances. The three days of the Mani Rimdu Festival are a time of deep religious devotion, cultural celebration, and community gathering for the Sherpa people in the Everest region of Nepal.

Buddhist Festival Mani Rimdu

Mani Rimdu is a significant festival celebrated by the Sherpa community in the Solu-Khumbu region of Nepal, which is located near Mount Everest. The festival is usually held in October or November and lasts for several days.

There are several reasons why Mani Rimdu is considered an important festival:

  • Religious Significance: Mani Rimdu is a Buddhist festival that celebrates the victory of good over evil. The festival commemorates the founding of Buddhism by Guru Rinpoche, also known as Padmasambhava, who is believed to have brought Buddhism to Tibet and the Himalayan regions.
  • Cultural Significance: Mani Rimdu is an important cultural event for the Sherpa community, who have a deep connection to the Himalayan region. The festival is an opportunity for the Sherpas to come together and celebrate their culture, traditions, and beliefs.
  • Tourist Attraction: Mani Rimdu is a popular tourist attraction, as it offers a unique opportunity to witness the Sherpa culture and traditions. Tourists from all over the world come to witness the festival and participate in the celebrations.
  • Community Bonding: Mani Rimdu is an occasion for the Sherpa community to come together and strengthen their bonds. The festival provides an opportunity for the community members to interact with each other and share their experiences.

In short, Mani Rimdu is an important festival that has both religious and cultural significance for the Sherpa community. It also serves as a tourist attraction and an occasion for community bonding.

Mani Rimdu Festival Date

Mani Rimdu festival usually falls in the tenth lunar month of the Tibetan calendar, which typically corresponds to the months of October or November in the Gregorian calendar. The festival is celebrated for several days, and the exact dates of the festival may vary depending on the lunar calendar and the specific location where it is celebrated.

Booking Mani Rimdu Festive Trekking

It is recommended that you reserve your Mani Rimdu Festival trip earlier to ensure that you have secured your spot and made all the necessary arrangements. Mani Rimdu is a popular festival in Nepal that takes place in the Tengboche Monastery in the Everest region during the autumn season.

Many people from all over the world visit Nepal to witness this cultural extravaganza, and as a result, flights, accommodation, and tour packages can get booked up quickly. By reserving your trip earlier, you’ll have a better chance of getting the dates and accommodations that you want, and you may also be able to take advantage of early bird discounts.

It’s also important to note that Mani Rimdu is a religious festival that involves sacred rituals and ceremonies, so it’s essential to respect the traditions and customs of the local people while attending the festival.

Cost of Mani Rimdu Festival Trek

The approximate cost of a Mani Rimdu Festival Trekking trip can vary depending on various factors such as the duration of the trip, the number of people in the group, the type of accommodation and transportation chosen, and the level of service provided by the tour operator.

Generally, the cost of a Mani Rimdu Festival Trekking trip can range from around USD 1,500 to USD 4,000 per person for a 12-15 day trip. This cost typically includes trekking permits, flights or ground transportation, accommodation, meals, and the services of a guide and porters.

It’s important to note that the cost of the trip can increase if you opt for more luxurious accommodation or if you choose to hire additional services such as helicopter rides or cultural tours. Additionally, the cost of international airfare to Nepal is not typically included in the trip cost.

Permit of Mani Rimdu Festival Trip

To participate in the Mani Rimdu Festival Trek in the Everest region of Nepal, you generally require two permits:

  • TIMS (Trekkers’ Information Management System) Permit: USD 20 (NPR 2000)per person.
  • Sagarmatha National Park Entry Permit: USD 30 (NPR 3000) per person.
  • Pasang Lhamu Rural Municipality Entrance Fee: USD 20 (NPR 2000) For all nationalities.

If you’re planning to join a guided trek or tour, the travel agency or trekking company you’re booking with will typically take care of obtaining these permits for you. However, if you’re trekking independently, you’ll need to get these permits yourself. It’s recommended to obtain the necessary permits a few days before starting your trek, and you can usually obtain them in Kathmandu or at the park entrance in the Everest region.

Please note that permit requirements and procedures can change, so it’s always a good idea to check with local authorities, travel agencies, or official sources for the most up-to-date information regarding permits and regulations for the Mani Rimdu Festival Trek.

FAQs of Mani Rimdu Festival Trekking

Q: What is the Mani Rimdu Festival Trekking?
A: The Mani Rimdu Festival Trekking is a cultural and spiritual journey that takes you to the Tengboche Monastery in the Everest region of Nepal to witness and participate in the Mani Rimdu festival, a traditional Sherpa Buddhist festival.

Q: When does the Mani Rimdu Festival happen?
A: The Mani Rimdu Festival usually takes place in the month of October or November, corresponding to the full moon of the Tibetan lunar calendar.

Q: What is the significance of the Mani Rimdu Festival?
A: The Mani Rimdu Festival is a significant religious event for the Sherpa community. It celebrates the establishment of Buddhism by Guru Rinpoche and is believed to bring blessings, good fortune, and compassion to those who attend.

Q: How long is the Mani Rimdu Festival Trekking?
A: The trekking duration for the Mani Rimdu Festival varies depending on the route you choose. It typically takes around 12 to 16 days, including the trek to and from Tengboche Monastery and the time spent attending the festival.

Q: What is the difficulty level of this Mani Rimdu Festival Trekking?
A: The Mani Rimdu Festival Trekking is considered a moderate to challenging trek. The trail involves steep ascents and descents, and trekkers should be prepared for varying weather conditions and altitude challenges.

Q: Do I need some trekking experience for Mani Rimdu Festival Trekking?
A: While prior trekking experience is beneficial, it is not mandatory. However, participants should be physically fit and mentally prepared for the challenges of trekking at high altitudes.

Q: What permits are required for the trek?
A: Trekkers require two permits for this trek: the Sagarmatha National Park Entry Permit and the Khumbu Pasang Lhamu Rural Municipality Permit. These permits can be obtained in Kathmandu or Monjo, the entrance to Sagarmatha National Park.

Q: What is the altitude reached during the Mani Rimdu Trekking?
A: The highest point of the trek is usually Tengboche Monastery, situated at an altitude of approximately 3,870 m.

Q: What about the accommodation during the trek?
A: Accommodation during the Mani Rimdu Trekking is generally in local lodges or tea houses. They provide basic facilities like room, meals. The quality of facilities may vary as you ascend to higher altitudes.

Q: What should I pack for the Mani Rimdu Festival Trekking?
A: You should pack comfortable trekking clothing, sturdy hiking boots, a warm sleeping bag, a down jacket, rain gear, a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, water purification tablets, basic medical supplies, and a camera.

Q: Is altitude sickness a problem during this Trekking of Mani RImdu?
A: Yes, altitude sickness can be a concern due to the rapid ascent. It’s important to acclimatize properly, stay hydrated, and be aware of the symptoms of altitude sickness. It’s advisable to consult with a medical professional before embarking on the trek.

Q: Can I witness the Mani Rimdu Festival without trekking?
A: Yes, it is possible to witness the Mani Rimdu Festival without trekking all the way to Tengboche. You can take a helicopter tour from Kathmandu to Tengboche to attend the festival and then return on the same day.

Q: How do I get to the starting point of the trek?
A: The trek usually starts from Lukla, which can be reached by a short domestic flight from Kathmandu. The flight to Lukla offers spectacular views of the Himalayas.

Q: Is travel insurance necessary for this trek?
A: Yes, travel insurance is highly recommended for the Mani Rimdu Festival Trekking. Make sure your insurance covers high-altitude trekking and medical evacuation.

Q: Are there any cultural considerations I should be aware of during the festival?
A: Yes, it’s important to show respect for the local culture and customs. During the festival, dress modestly and avoid disrupting the ceremonies. Ask for permission before taking photos of individuals or religious objects.

Q: What is the best time to book the trek?
A: It’s best to book the trek well in advance, at least a few months before the festival date, as the accommodations in the teahouses can fill up quickly during this popular time.



Upon your arrival at Tribhuvan International Airport, one of our representatives will receive you and transfer you to your hotel. Overnight at hotel in Kathmandu.

An adventure, we will be taking a flight to Lukla. Immediately after we fly from Kathmandu, we will be able to see the majestic mountains towering over the hills. This is a beautiful sight to witness and a very typical scene in Nepal. After landing in Lukla, which is considered one of the most dangerous airports of the world, we will trek to Phakding through the forested trail dotted with small hamlets. Overnight in Phakding.

With the Dudh Koshi River keeping us company, we will make our way to the famous Sherpa town of Namche Bazaar through the forests of pine. This trail is dotted with suspension bridges over many small streams and rivulets, which are the lifeline of Nepal’s Himalayan region. If the weather is good, we will be able to see spectacular views of the mountains, including Thamserku (6608m), Everest (8848m), and Ama Dablam (6856m). Overnight in Namche Bazaar

Acclimatization is vital for any successful trip, and we will do so by hiking around Khumjung and Khunde villages. We will first make a climb to Everest View Hotel (3962m), from where we will get unbeatable views of the mountains such as Everest (8848m), Ama Dablam (6856m), and many others. We will then hike to the large Sherpa village of Khumjung, which is famous for its monastery that displays an ancient Yeti skull in its premises. Afterward, we will hike to Khunde village to visit Khunde Monastery and Khunde Hillary School. We will then hike back to Namche Bazaar for the overnight stay.

After a hearty breakfast with magnificent views, we will make our way to Tengboche, our destination. Until we reach Phunki Tenga, we will have to tread on easy paths, and from there, we will begin the steep ascend to Tengboche. As soon as we reach the village, we will be able to see the famous Tengboche Monastery, which is the biggest one in this region with the backdrop of amazing Himalayas. Overnight in Tengboche.

In Tengboche begins the colorful Mani Rimdu Festival, celebrated on a full moon during the month of October, according to the Tibetan Lunar calendar. The Sherpa’s and the Lama’s gather together in the premises of Tengboche Monastery to celebrate this festival, where the monks wear elaborate masks and costumes and perform various dances and prayers. There is a sand mandala which is created with colorful sand and many symbolic designs. Mantras are chanted to remove the evil spirits through ritualistic performances. After the construction of the mandala, different phases of the festivals begin called the Wong, Chham, Ser-Kyem, Jinsak, and Chhingpa. Various symbolical rituals are performed during this festival, some displaying the determination of meditation and some are rather funny with elaborative performances. Beautiful photographs can be taken during this time.

Today also some of ritual and religious activities will be performed by the monks of Tenboche monastery.

After witnessing the colorful festival, today we will make our way back to Namche Bazaar. In an area which seems utterly beautiful, the festival we have just witnessed seems like a celebration of life and a celebration of all the hardships that the people of this region have to go through. With panoramic views of the Himalayas, we descend on a familiar trail to reach Namche. Overnight in Namche Bazaar.

Leaving the bustling Namche behind, we will make our way to Phakding retracing our steps alongside Dudh Koshi River. The Dudh Koshi River and its frothy appearance slamming against the rocks paint a very real and wild picture of this region. Descending on a trail through lush rhododendron and magnolia forests, we walk past small villages and monasteries to finally reach Phakding. Overnight in Phakding.

Today is the last day of walking for us, and we will enjoy it to the fullest. Walking on a trail dotted with monasteries, prayer wheels, and Mani walls, we make our way to the picturesque town of Lukla. Since we have a lot of spare time in Lukla, we can look back on the memories we’ve made and the different cultures and traditions we’ve witnessed. The life in the Himalayas is very unique and rich along with many hardships. As peaceful as it may seem, life is tough, and patience is tested at every moment and a visit here is bound to change many perspectives of life. Overnight in Lukla.

Today we fly back to Kathmandu from Lukla. This flight will give us a different feel this time as we will feel oneness with the mountains and look down upon the paths we took. As we take back the colorful memories from this place, we hope that you will feel a great sense of relaxation and have rekindled your spiritual side. As we get to Kathmandu, you can give your legs a much-needed rest and later get out in the evening for a lovely stroll around the city. Overnight at the hotel in Kathmandu.

There are many options to visit the world heritage site of UNESCO in Kathmandu valley- visit Pashupatinath for hindus cremation, Swayambhunath and Boudhanath, Kathmandu Darbar Square and many more which you can chose some of them.

Kathmandu with its rich heritage and culture will take your breath away. As your free day today, you can visit places such as Kathmandu Durbar Square, which houses the famous Kumari—the living goddess of Nepal. Later, we visit the quaint Patan Durbar Square. These squares were the palaces of the ancient kings of the valley and boast of incredible woodwork and architecture. You can see how much the ancient Kathmandu thrived with brilliant artisans who created such structures that still stand today. You can also visit Pashupatinath temple, which is the most significant temple for the people of Hindu faith. Afterward, you can visit Boudhanath, which holds great significance for the people of the Buddhist faith. You can taste some yummy Nepali dumplings “Momo” and also try some local homemade brew. Overnight at the hotel in Kathmandu.

As your journey to Nepal comes to an end today, we will drop you at the airport, a few hours before your scheduled flight back.

What's Include in Cost

    • Airport pick up and drive according to itinerary and plan.
    • Hotel in Kathmandu.
    • Trekking permits according to itinerary.
    • TIMS cards.
    • Food and accommodation during the trip.
    • Hot drinks- Teak, Coffee, etc during the trek.
    • Flight: Kathmandu-Lukla-Kathmandu for clients.
    • Flight for guide: KTM-LUK-KTM.
    • Porters and guide with their wages.
    • Insurance for local staffs.
    • Entry fee for Sagarmatha National Park,
    • Entrance fee of Pasang Lhamu Rural Municipaility,
    • High altitude chamber as per requirement,
    • Wages and Equipment for climbing guide.
    • Local airport tax and land transportations according to program.
    • Applicable Nepal government tax

What's Excluded in Cost

    • Nepal entry visa.
    • International flights and airport tax.
    • Travel insurance.
    • Personal expenses, Hot or Mineral water
    • Laundry service and Bar Bills
    • Internet and Battery charge
    • Alcoholic drinks with mineral water.
    • Rescue in emergency.

Fixed Departure

SNo.0 Date From To
1 Enquiry This



Inportant Things Required


When you are up in the mountains in Nepal, we would suggest you to be ready for anything. Weather forecasts for Lukla are never correct and different sources will give you different information. If it is a really bad day in terms of weather, the airlines will themselves cancel the flight and you might have to wait till the weather clears. Yes, flying in high altitude is never easy, even on a clear sunny day, the plane might face turbulence because of the wind blowing from the mountains. But overall the flight to Lukla is very exciting and it’s an experience that you will never forget.

When you are up in the mountains in Nepal, we would suggest you to be ready for anything. Weather forecasts for Lukla are never correct and different sources will give you different information. If it is a really bad day in terms of weather, the airlines will themselves cancel the flight and you might have to wait till the weather clears. Yes, flying in high altitude is never easy, even on a clear sunny day, the plane might face turbulence because of the wind blowing from the mountains. But overall the flight to Lukla is very exciting and it’s an experience that you will never forget.

When you are up in the mountains in Nepal, we would suggest you to be ready for anything. Weather forecasts for Lukla are never correct and different sources will give you different information. If it is a really bad day in terms of weather, the airlines will themselves cancel the flight and you might have to wait till the weather clears. Yes, flying in high altitude is never easy, even on a clear sunny day, the plane might face turbulence because of the wind blowing from the mountains. But overall the flight to Lukla is very exciting and it’s an experience that you will never forget.

When you are up in the mountains in Nepal, we would suggest you to be ready for anything. Weather forecasts for Lukla are never correct and different sources will give you different information. If it is a really bad day in terms of weather, the airlines will themselves cancel the flight and you might have to wait till the weather clears. Yes, flying in high altitude is never easy, even on a clear sunny day, the plane might face turbulence because of the wind blowing from the mountains. But overall the flight to Lukla is very exciting and it’s an experience that you will never forget.


  • star rating  Trekking through the mustang valley with the family. Dilu and his team made sure we had a life changing experience, and i would highly recommend it to anyone regardless of... read more

    January 30, 2019

    star rating  Five treks and soon a sixth - Five treks and soon a sixth one speak by themselves from 2007 till next March. Just wonderful treks in the Upper Mustang (winter/summer), around the Manaslu, in the Tsum Valley,... read more

    Laurent R
    January 15, 2019

    star rating  Glacier Family Treks & Expedition - Perfect organisation. Great kindness and skillfulness of Dilu and his team. Dilu offers “a la carte” treks with great flexibility (altitude, hours of walking, regions...) according to the group. I... read more

    January 15, 2019
  • star rating  Family trek! - Great trek with the whole family in the mustang valley! Wouldn’t want to do this with anyone else! hope to do it again !

    Melissa S
    January 24, 2019

    star rating  Dudh Kunda trek - flawless organisation, again ! - The Dudh Kunda trek was the second trek I have done with Dilu and his team, after the Langtang trek of 2008. My family has known Dilu for over 20... read more

    November 17, 2022

    star rating  Great experience - Great experience with Dilu who has been very helpful, pro efficient and very nice !
    He helped us in defining the itinerary of the trek and took time to... read more

    June 26, 2022
  • star rating  Three passes and Island peak ascent - What an amazing experience... An explosion of nature, kindness (if you are advised and travelling with Dilu) and serenity.
    Thanks again Dilu, I really loved those days.

    October 19, 2022

    star rating  Two treks, a lot of great souvenirs - Super treks with great guide and boys team. Very knowledgeable about Nepal’s culture and montains, nice and warm guide.

    January 17, 2019

    star rating  Trek from pokhara - The trek was amazing. We prepared it by Mail with Dilu, and he is very professionnal and he answered all the questions we had.
    We met him at the... read more

    May 19, 2019
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