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Tsum Valley Trekking

Manaslu Region
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Local Teahouse
Manaslu Region
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Trip Start
Soti Khola
Trip Ends
Soti Khola


Tsum Valley Trekking

An extraordinary expedition of Tsum Valley Trekking, invites you to immerse yourself in the captivating landscapes and cultural tapestry of the Himalayas. With Tsum Valley Trekking as your guiding star, you will traverse ancient trails and traverse through a realm that remains untouched by time.

The Tsum Valley Trekking adventure, where every step leads you closer to the heart of this hidden gem. As you navigate the Tsum Valley Trekking paths, you’ll witness the harmonious interplay between nature and culture, as well as the indomitable spirit of the local communities that call this region home.

The Tsum Valley Trekking experience is a harmonious blend of nature and spirituality. Throughout your journey, you’ll encounter monasteries that stand as testaments to the enduring faith of the people of Tsum Valley Trekking. These sacred sites offer a glimpse into the spiritual traditions that have shaped the lives of generations.

Trekking through the Tsum Valley unveils a canvas of diverse landscapes. From terraced fields to alpine meadows, each moment of Tsum Valley Trekking presents a new panorama to behold. The towering peaks of Ganesh Himal and Sringi Himal provide a majestic backdrop to your Tsum Valley Trekking expedition, painting the perfect picture of serenity and grandeur.

Yet, Tsum Valley Trekking is not just about the landscapes; it’s a journey of human connection. The warm smiles of the locals you encounter along the Tsum Valley Trekking trails offer a heartfelt welcome, sharing stories that resonate with the ancient echoes of the land. Their hospitality adds an authentic touch to your Tsum Valley Trekking exploration, making you feel like a part of their community.

Tsum Valley Trekking is an odyssey that leaves an indelible mark on your soul. The simplicity of life in the Tsum Valley Trekking villages reminds you of the beauty in embracing nature’s rhythm. As you immerse yourself in the Tsum Valley Trekking experience, you’ll find a renewed appreciation for the profound harmony that exists between the people and their surroundings.

Intrigued by the allure of Tsum Valley Trekking, adventurers of all kinds find themselves drawn to this hidden sanctuary. Whether you’re an experienced trekker or setting foot on trails for the first time, Tsum Valley Trekking offers an opportunity for personal growth and exploration. The memories you create during your Tsum Valley Trekking journey will forever be etched in your heart.

Tsum Valley Trekking is more than a mere adventure; it’s an expedition that unveils the secrets of a sacred land. With every step, you honor the legacy of Tsum Valley Trekking, embracing its traditions and immersing yourself in its mystique. The allure of Tsum Valley Trekking beckons – are you ready to answer the call?

Tsum Valley Trekking Itinerary 

Day 1: Arrival in Kathmandu.
Upon your arrival at Kathmandu airport, our team will warmly welcome you and transfer you to your hotel. Take this day to relax and acclimatize to the altitude while exploring the vibrant streets of Kathmandu.

Day 2: Permit Preparation Day, O/N in hotel.
Today is dedicated to obtaining the necessary permits for the trek and exploring Kathmandu. You can immerse yourself in the city’s culture, visit local markets, and explore historical sites.

Day 3: Kathmandu to Soti Khola
Drive from Kathmandu to Soti Khola. As you leave the city behind, the journey takes you through scenic landscapes and rural settlements. Arrive at Soti Khola, your starting point for the trek.

Day 4: Soti Khola to Machha Khola
Begin your trek with a scenic trail that leads you along the Budhi Gandaki River. Traverse through charming villages and lush forests, reaching the quaint village of Machha Khola by evening.

Day 5: Machha Khola to Jagat
Continue your journey, crossing suspension bridges and enjoying views of waterfalls. The trail winds through terraced fields and diverse landscapes as you make your way to the village of Jagat.

Day 6: Jagat to Lokpa
The trek today takes you through peaceful forests, ascending to higher altitudes. As you arrive in Lokpa, you’ll notice the change in landscape and get a glimpse of the cultural diversity that defines the region.

Day 7: Lokpa to Chumling
Hike to Chumling, passing through enchanting villages. The trail offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains, and you’ll have the opportunity to interact with locals and learn about their way of life.

Day 8: Chumling to Chhokangparo
Today’s trek takes you to Chhokangparo, offering panoramic vistas of the Ganesh Himal and other peaks. Explore the village and immerse yourself in the local culture.

Day 9: Chhokangparo to Nile/Chhule
As you venture higher, the landscape changes, and you’ll reach the villages of Nile and Chhule. These settlements offer a unique blend of Tibetan culture and breathtaking mountain views.

Day 10: Nile/Chhule to Mu Gompa
Trek to the revered Mu Gompa, the largest monastery in the region. Enroute, be captivated by the awe-inspiring vistas of Ganesh Himal and other towering peaks.

Day 11: Exploration Day at Mu Gompa
Take a well-deserved rest day at Mu Gompa for acclimatization. Explore the monastery, soak in the serene ambiance, and relish the panoramic views that surround you.

Day 12: Mu Gompa to Burgi Village
Descend from Mu Gompa, following a trail that leads to the picturesque Burgi Village. Enjoy the tranquility and the slower pace of village life.

Day 13: Burgi Village to Chumling
Retrace your steps as you hike back to Chumling. Cherish the familiarity of the trail and the memories you’ve made along the way.

Day 14: Chumling to Philim
Continue your trek to Philim, passing through beautiful landscapes and charming villages. Interact with locals and absorb the cultural richness of the region.

Day 15: Philim to Machhakhola
As you descend to lower altitudes, the landscape changes once again. The trail takes you through lush forests and picturesque settings, eventually leading you to Khorlabesi.

Day 16: Machhakhola to Soti Khola
Conclude or resume  your trek by making your way back to Soti Khola. Reflect on the incredible journey you’ve undertaken and the unique experiences you’ve gathered.

Day 17: Soti Khola to Kathmandu, Hotel.
The final piece of your journey as you drive from Soti Khola back to Kathmandu. Admire the changing scenery and return to the city.

Day 18: Departure from Kathmandu
Depending on your flight schedule, you’ll have some free time in Kathmandu for last-minute exploration or shopping before our team assists you with your departure from the Kathmandu airport.

Highlights of the Tsum Valley Trekking:

  • Hidden Himalayan Gem: The Tsum Valley is a well-guarded secret nestled in the Himalayas, offering a truly off-the-beaten-path experience. The remote nature of the region ensures that you’ll be far from the crowds, allowing you to immerse yourself in the tranquility and untouched beauty of the surroundings.
  • Cultural Richness: One of the most captivating aspects of the Tsum Valley is its unique blend of cultures. The valley is influenced by Tibetan Buddhism, and the people here are known for their warmth and hospitality. As you interact with the locals, you’ll gain insight into their daily lives, customs, and traditions, fostering a deeper connection with the region.
  • Ancient Monasteries: The Tsum Valley is dotted with ancient monasteries and gompas that hold centuries of spiritual significance. Mu Gompa, situated at an elevation of 3700 meters, is the largest in the region. The architecture, intricate murals, and serene ambiance of these monastic centers offer a serene space for reflection and a glimpse into Buddhist practices.
  • Scenic Landscapes: The trekking trail takes you through an ever-changing landscape, each with its own unique charm. Walk through lush forests teeming with diverse flora and fauna, cross sparkling rivers on swaying suspension bridges, and ascend to high alpine meadows that provide panoramic vistas of the majestic Ganesh Himal range and other peaks.
  • Ganesh Himal Range: Throughout the journey, the Ganesh Himal range dominates the skyline. Peaks like Ganesh I, Ganesh II, and Ganesh III stand tall, commanding attention with their snow-clad peaks. These towering mountains create a breathtaking backdrop, offering countless opportunities to capture stunning photographs and create lasting memories.
  • Ancient Trade Route: Traversing the Tsum Valley is like walking through history. The trail follows an ancient trade route that connected Nepal and Tibet, and remnants of this historical significance are still visible along the way. Stupas, prayer flags, and chortens are scattered along the path, serving as reminders of the region’s past.
  • Milarepa’s Cave: A highlight of the journey is the visit to Milarepa’s Cave. The cave, where the revered Tibetan saint Milarepa is believed to have meditated, exudes an aura of spiritual reverence. The opportunity to pay homage to this sacred site adds a profound layer to the trekking experience.
  • Unique Villages: The villages along the trail offer a glimpse into a way of life that has remained largely untouched by modernity. Chumling, Chhokangparo, and Lokpa are characterized by traditional stone houses adorned with colorful prayer flags. As you interact with the locals, you’ll discover the rhythms of rural existence and the sense of community that defines these settlements.
  • Rich Biodiversity: The Tsum Valley is home to a rich diversity of flora and fauna. As you trek through different ecosystems, you might spot vibrant rhododendrons, alpine flowers, and elusive wildlife like the Himalayan Thar and the Red Panda. The natural beauty and biodiversity of the region add depth to the trekking experience.
  • Local Hospitality: The people from Tsum Valley Trekking area are well known for their warm hospitality. You’ll be welcomed into their homes and offered insights into their lives. The chance to share stories, enjoy local cuisine, and learn about their customs creates a sense of connection that transcends language barriers.
  • Peaceful Retreat: The serene ambiance of the Tsum Valley offers a true escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. The quietude of the mountains, the flowing rivers, and the rhythmic chants of monks in monasteries create an environment of tranquility, making it an ideal destination for meditation and self-reflection.
  • Cultural Festivals: If your trek coincides with local festivals, you’re in for a treat. Witnessing these celebrations provides an intimate view of the region’s cultural fabric. The vibrant dances, traditional music, and colorful costumes showcase the deep-rooted traditions and joyful spirit of the locals.
  • Rare Adventure: Trekking in the Tsum Valley is a rare adventure that offers a sense of exploration and discovery. The fact that this region is less frequented by tourists enhances the feeling of authenticity and allows you to experience the Himalayas in a unique and unspoiled manner.
  • Cross-cultural Exchange: Interacting with fellow trekkers from various parts of the world fosters cross-cultural connections. The shared experience of trekking in this remote corner of the Himalayas creates bonds and friendships that transcend nationalities and backgrounds.
  • Personal Growth: The Tsum Valley Trek challenges you physically and mentally. Overcoming the rugged terrain, adapting to changing altitudes, and facing new cultural experiences contribute to personal growth. As you push your boundaries, you’ll discover your own resilience and strength.

(Note: These extended highlights offer a more in-depth look at the distinctive features that make Tsum Valley Trekking a remarkable and transformative journey.)

A brief history of Tsum Valley

Tsum Valley, nestled in the northern Himalayan region of Gorkha District in Nepal, carries with it a history shrouded in both mystique and cultural heritage. While comprehensive historical records are limited, the valley’s past is rich with local legends, spiritual significance, and a distinctive way of life that has endured through generations.

The origins of Tsum Valley’s settlements can be traced back to the migration of Tibetan communities into the region. These communities established villages along the valley’s fertile lands, creating a society deeply rooted in agriculture and trade. Over the centuries, the Tsumbas, as the valley’s inhabitants are known, developed their own unique culture, language, and social customs, which set them apart from neighboring regions.

Central to Tsum Valley’s historical narrative is its deep connection with Tibetan Buddhism. The valley became a sanctuary for religious practitioners, with monasteries like Rachen Gompa and Mu Gompa emerging as spiritual centers. These monastic institutions not only served as places of worship but also as repositories of knowledge, preserving ancient scriptures, intricate artworks, and the teachings of revered Buddhist figures.

The historical importance of Tsum Valley is closely tied to the concept of hidden treasures known as “ter.” According to local beliefs, Tsum Valley is a treasure trove of spiritual Wisdom and revered items hidden by enlightened sages, safeguarding future generations’ welfare. This notion adds an element of mysticism to the region, attracting pilgrims and seekers in search of spiritual revelations.

The Tsumba people have safeguarded their cultural heritage through rituals, festivals, and oral traditions. These practices, often intertwined with their religious beliefs, have helped maintain the authenticity of their way of life. Tsum Valley’s isolation due to its challenging geography contributed to the preservation of its cultural identity, allowing it to flourish without the influence of modernity.

In recent years, Tsum Valley has gained recognition as a trekking destination, attracting adventurers eager to explore its hidden valleys, towering peaks, and serene monasteries. As more travelers venture into this remote realm, the delicate balance between preserving its cultural heritage and accommodating responsible tourism becomes increasingly important.

In essence, the history of Tsum Valley is a tale of resilience, spirituality, and cultural continuity. It’s a journey through time that intertwines the footsteps of ancient traders, devout monks, and contemporary trekkers, all contributing to the ongoing narrative of a region where the past converges with the present. While the historical details may remain enigmatic, Tsum Valley’s allure lies in its ability to offer glimpses into a world that holds the secrets of its own evolution.a

Tsum Valley Trekking Permit Cost

Special Trekking Permit for Tsum Valley:

  • Per person for the first 7 days Cost: USD 40.00. For each additional day after the 7 days costs: USD 7 per person per day. 

This permit is necessary for trekking in the Tsum Valley area.
Trekkers must be in groups of at least 2 persons to apply for this permit.

To obtain the most up-to-date and accurate information about the cost of the Tsum Valley Trekking permit, I recommend contacting local authorities or a reliable local trekking agency like Glacier Family Treks & Expedition. They will be able to provide you with the current permit costs and any other details you might need for planning your trek.

For the Tsum Valley Trekking in Nepal, trekkers are required to obtain the following permits:

  • Special Trekking Permit for Tsum Valley:
    Cost: USD 40 per person for the first week. Additional days beyond the first week: USD 7 per person per day.
  • Manaslu Conservation Area Permit (MCAP):

This permit is essential for trekking in the Manaslu Conservation Area, which includes the Tsum Valley region.
Cost: Typically around USD 30.00 per person.

  • Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP):

This permit might also be required if the trekking route includes the Annapurna Conservation Area.
Cost: Generally around USD 20.00 per person.

Note- If you are not going to continue to Larke Pass Trekking, you do not need to have ACAP permit.
In addition to these permits, trekkers should collaborate with a local trekking agency like Glacier Family Treks & Expedition to ensure a smooth permit application process and adherence to local regulations.

Since permit costs, requirements, and regulations can change, it’s strongly recommended to reach out to a reputable local trekking agency to obtain the most current and accurate information before planning and embarking on the Tsum Valley Trekking adventure.

Tsum Valley Trek Package Cost

The Package cost of the Tsum Valley Trekking can vary depending on several factors, including the duration of the trek, the services included in the package, the trekking agency you choose, and any additional services you might require. Generally, a package for the Tsum Valley Trekking might include the following components:

  • Permit Costs: As mentioned earlier, the special trekking permit for Tsum Valley, Manaslu Conservation Area Permit (MCAP), and Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP) have associated costs.
  • Trekking Guide and Porters: Many trekkers opt to hire a trekking guide and/or porters for the trek. A guide can help navigate the route and provide insights into the culture and environment, while porters can carry your luggage, allowing you to focus on the trek.
  • Accommodation: The package may include accommodation in teahouses or lodges along the trekking route. Accommodation can vary in terms of comfort and facilities.
  • Meals: Meals, usually breakfast, lunch, and dinner, may be included in the package. This can vary based on the trekking agency and the package you choose.
  • Transportation: The package might include transportation to and from the trekking starting and ending points.
  • Permit Handling: The trekking agency may handle the permit application process on your behalf.
  • Trekking Itinerary: The package might come with a detailed trekking itinerary outlining the route and the daily schedule.
  • Additional Services: Depending on the package, additional services like airport transfers, accommodation in Kathmandu or other cities, and guided tours might be included.

Due to the varying nature of packages and factors mentioned above, it’s recommended to directly contact trekking agencies like Glacier Family Treks & Expedition or other reputable agencies to inquire about their specific Tsum Valley Trekking packages.

According to above Itinerary of Tsum Valley Trekking, we approximate the Package cost of Tsum Valley Trekking will as below-

  • 02 Person costs USD: 1210.00 per person.
  • 04 Persons costs USD: 1180.00 per person.

Note- If you are 3 persons or more than 4 persons, kindly contact us for accurate cost of Tsum Valley Trekking Package Cost.

Our WhatsApp:+977981872729 or drop your mail: info@glacierfamilytreks.com

or, Click here to make a query.

Tsum Valley Trekking Guide

Tsum Valley Trek underscores the vital role of a trekking guide, especially in restricted areas like Nepal’s Tsum Valley, where their guidance has paramount importance. Notably, since April 2023, trekking with a guide is obligatory for all Nepal treks.

The Tsum Valley, celebrated for its unspoiled landscapes and profound cultural heritage, demands meticulous preservation. Trekking guides assume a pivotal responsibility here. Their deep understanding of the region’s ecosystem and topography aids in minimizing the environmental impact of visitors, ensuring the delicate balance of this extraordinary terrain endures.

Cultural respect is equally imperative, particularly in places as culturally rich as the Tsum Valley. Trekking guides, often from local communities, facilitate authentic interactions between trekkers and residents. They bridge gaps, fostering mutual understanding, and nurturing insights into the valley’s traditions and way of life.

A trekking guide’s significance extends to ensuring trekkers’ safety. Tsum Valley’s terrain can pose challenges, with unpredictable weather. Guides, intimately acquainted with the area, anticipate potential risks and take proactive steps to mitigate them. Their expertise becomes invaluable in emergencies, offering swift assistance and direction.

Beyond practicalities, trekking guides weave narratives that infuse depth into the landscapes, temples, and monasteries along the route. These stories transform the trek into a holistic learning odyssey, enriching the journey.

So, the Tsum Valley Trek exemplifies the indispensable role of a guide – a custodian of both ecology and culture. Their multifaceted contributions span environmental preservation, cultural exchange, safety assurance, and knowledge propagation. Opting for a guided trek not only adheres to regulations but also amplifies the richness of exploring the captivating Tsum Valley.

Difficulty of Tsum Valley Trekking

The Tsum Valley Trekking is considered a moderately challenging trek that offers a unique cultural and natural experience. Here’s an overview of the difficulty level and some factors to consider:

  • Moderate Difficulty: The Tsum Valley Trek is typically categorized as a moderate-level trek. While it’s not as strenuous as some of the more challenging high-altitude treks in Nepal, it still involves several days of walking through varied terrain, including uphill and downhill sections. It’s suitable for individuals with a reasonable level of fitness and some prior trekking experience.
  • Altitude: One of the key factors affecting the difficulty of the trek is the altitude. The Tsum Valley Trek takes you to higher elevations, and acclimatization is crucial to avoid altitude sickness. Proper acclimatization days are usually built into the trekking itinerary to allow your body to adjust to the changing altitude.
  • Trail Conditions: The trails in the Tsum Valley region can vary from well-maintained paths to rough and rocky terrain. Some sections might require crossing suspension bridges, and there could be challenging ascents and descents. Trekking poles can be helpful in maintaining balance and reducing strain on your legs.
  • Duration and Itinerary: The duration of the trek and the itinerary you choose can also influence the difficulty. Longer itineraries provide more time for acclimatization and gradual ascent, making the trek more manageable.
  • Weather and Climate: Weather conditions can impact the trek’s difficulty. It’s important to be prepared for changing weather, including cold temperatures at higher altitudes.

Tsum Valley is famous for

The Tsum Valley Trekking has gained popularity for several compelling reasons, making it a sought-after destination among trekkers and adventurers:

  • Cultural Richness: The Tsum Valley is known as the “Hidden Valley of Happiness.” It’s inhabited by the Tsumba people, who have their own unique culture, language, and traditions that have remained relatively untouched by modern influences. This cultural authenticity and the opportunity to interact with local communities make the trek truly special.
  • Spiritual Significance: The region is home to several ancient Buddhist monasteries, including Rachen Gompa and Mu Gompa. These monasteries hold immense spiritual importance and are visited by both locals and pilgrims. The trek offers a chance to experience the serene ambiance of these monastic centers.
  • Scenic Beauty: The trekking route passes through breathtaking landscapes, including lush forests, terraced fields, remote villages, and panoramic views of the Himalayan peaks. The scenery varies from lower altitudes to higher alpine terrain, providing a diverse visual experience.
  • Remote and Off-the-Beaten-Path: Tsum Valley is relatively less frequented compared to other popular trekking regions in Nepal, making it a choice destination for those seeking a more off-the-beaten-path adventure. The tranquility and lack of crowds contribute to its appeal.
  • Unique Flora and Fauna: The region is part of the Manaslu Conservation Area and hosts a diverse range of flora and fauna. It’s an opportunity to witness the natural beauty and biodiversity of the Himalayas, including a chance to spot wildlife like the Himalayan tahr and red panda.
  • Authenticity: The Tsum Valley region has been less impacted by modernization and commercialization, which has helped preserve its authenticity. Trekkers often appreciate the chance to experience a more traditional and untouched way of life.
  • Local Hospitality: The Tsumba people are known for their warm hospitality and friendliness toward trekkers. This cultural exchange adds depth to the trekking experience.
  • Combined Treks: Tsum Valley Trekking can be combined with the Manaslu Circuit Trek or other routes, offering trekkers more flexibility and the chance to explore additional areas.

Challenges and Rewards: The trek offers a moderate level of challenge, making it accessible to trekkers with varying levels of experience. The sense of accomplishment upon completing the trek, along with the stunning vistas and cultural discoveries, adds to its allure.

All these factors combine to make the Tsum Valley Trekking a unique and captivating adventure that appeals to trekkers seeking a blend of cultural immersion, natural beauty, and an authentic Himalayan experience.

Monastery in Tsum Valley

The Tsum Valley is known for its rich Buddhist culture and heritage, and it is home to several monasteries and religious sites that hold significant importance for both locals and visitors. Here are some of the notable monasteries you can explore during the Tsum Valley Trekking:

  • Rachen Gompa: Located in the village of Chhokangparo, Rachen Gompa is one of the most prominent monasteries in the Tsum Valley. It is an important center for Nyingma Buddhism and houses a collection of ancient Buddhist scriptures, thangkas (scroll paintings), and other religious artifacts.
  • Mu Gompa: Situated at a higher elevation, Mu Gompa is another significant monastery in the Tsum Valley. This monastery is perched on a hill and offers panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. Mu Gompa is known for its spiritual ambiance and the opportunity to interact with resident monks.
  • Dyang Gompa: This monastery is located on the way to Mu Gompa and is worth a visit for its cultural and religious significance. It provides insights into the monastic life and the spiritual practices of the region.
  • Gompa Lungdang: Gompa Lungdang is located in the remote Lungdang Valley and is part of the Tsum Valley trekking route. It’s a peaceful monastery that provides a glimpse into the spiritual practices of the Tsumba people in this secluded area.
  • Milarepa Piren Phu Cave: While not a traditional monastery, this cave holds spiritual significance. It’s believed to have been used by the Tibetan Buddhist saint Milarepa for meditation. The cave is adorned with intricate carvings and paintings, and it’s an important pilgrimage site for Buddhists.
  • Chhule-Nile Monastery: This monastery is situated in the villages of Chhule and Nile. It’s a relatively newer monastery and offers insights into the evolving religious practices of the Tsumba people.

These monasteries are not only places of worship but also repositories of cultural and religious heritage. Visiting these sites during the Tsum Valley Trekking provides an opportunity to learn about the local traditions, engage in spiritual exploration, and appreciate the architectural and artistic beauty of these ancient structures. As with any cultural or religious site, it’s important to show respect, follow local customs, and be mindful of the spiritual atmosphere.

Religious Legacy of Tsum Valley

For the religious aspects of the Tsum Valley stands as a realm where spirituality and culture intertwine to create a unique and profound religious tapestry. At the heart of this secluded valley lies a rich and enduring tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, embraced by the Tsumba people who have called this remote region their home for generations.

Tsum Valley’s religious landscape is dominated by the gentle cadence of Buddhist rituals and practices, which permeate every facet of daily life. The valley’s inhabitants, the Tsumbas, adhere to a distinct amalgamation of the Nyingma and Kagyu traditions of Tibetan Buddhism. The echoes of their devotion reverberate through the air, creating an ethereal ambiance that envelops the entire valley.

Monasteries, or “gompas,” stand as the sentinel gateways to the spiritual realm in Tsum Valley. These ancient sanctuaries are not merely places of worship, but rather living repositories of wisdom, artistry, and community engagement. Rachen Gompa, a revered edifice in Chhokangparo village, bears testament to the resolute faith of the Tsumbas. Within its sacred walls lie precious manuscripts, centuries-old thangkas, and a sanctuary for contemplation. Equally significant, Mu Gompa majestically crowns the region, perched atop a hill like a beacon of spiritual enlightenment. Here, devotees and travelers converge to absorb the panoramic vistas and seek solace in meditation.

Tsum Valley’s spiritual tapestry is interwoven with its people’s belief in karma, reincarnation, and the cyclical nature of existence. Mantras are whispered in reverent tones, prayer wheels are spun with devotion, and offerings of juniper incense and butter lamps are tendered to the divine. The Tsumbas’ spiritual journey is not confined to the monasteries alone; it’s a thread woven into the fabric of their daily activities, from tilling the terraced fields to sharing meals in their homes.

Festivals hold an integral place in Tsumba spirituality. Lhosar, the vibrant Tibetan New Year, is a time of jubilant celebration. Villagers clad in traditional attire engage in dances and rituals, fostering unity and renewing their spiritual bonds. The Milarepa Piren Phu Cave, though not a traditional monastery, bears significance as a site where the renowned Tibetan yogi Milarepa is believed to have meditated. Pilgrims and seekers of enlightenment ascend its rocky path, hoping to bask in the residual serenity of his contemplation.

The Tsumba people, devout practitioners of their faith, have found harmony in the sacred teachings of Buddhism. Their spirituality is a guiding light that shapes their interactions with nature, fellow beings, and the cosmic universe. In a world ever-changing, the Tsum Valley remains an oasis of spiritual authenticity, a testament to the resilience of a community committed to preserving the sanctity of their traditions.

For those fortunate enough to tread the paths of the Tsum Valley, the religious journey transcends the physical act of walking. It’s a voyage into the realm of the soul, where the rustling winds carry the chants of devotion, and the majestic mountains stand as witnesses to a profound connection between humanity and the divine.

FAQs of Tsum Valley

Q01: What is Tsum Valley known for?
A01: Tsum Valley is renowned for its untouched culture, monasteries, stunning landscapes, and unique blend of Tibetan Buddhism.

Q02: How long is the Tsum Valley Trek?
A02: The trek’s duration varies, but a standard itinerary is around 14-20 days, including acclimatization days.

Q03: Is prior trekking experience necessary for Tsum Valley?
A03: While some trekking experience is beneficial, the Tsum Valley Trek is moderate and achievable for those with reasonable fitness levels.

Q04: What is the best time for Tsum Valley Trekking?
A04: The best seasons are spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) when the weather is stable and the views are clear.

Q05: Do I need a guide for Tsum Valley Trek?
A05: While not mandatory, having a local guide enhances your experience, provides insights, and ensures safety.

Q06: Are permits required for Tsum Valley Trekking?
A06: Yes, you need a Special Trekking Permit for Tsum Valley, along with the Manaslu Conservation Area Permit and possibly the Annapurna Conservation Area Permit.

Q07: What’s the cost of the Tsum Valley Trekking permit?
A07: The Special Trekking Permit for Tsum Valley costs USD 40 for the first week, with additional charges for extended stays.

Q08: How high is the highest point on the trek?
A08: The highest point is usually the Larkya La Pass at around 5,160 meters (16,929 feet).

Q09: Is altitude sickness is a problematic on the trek?
A09: Yes, proper acclimatization is crucial. Trekking agencies design itineraries to allow gradual ascent and acclimatization days.

Q10: What is the difficulty level of Tsum Valley Trekking?
A10: The trek is moderately challenging, with some steep ascents and descents. It’s suitable for trekkers with a moderate fitness level.

Q11: Can I do Tsum Valley Trek solo?
A11: Even a single trekker is not allowed to demand the Tsum Valley Trekking permit, solo trekking in Tsum Valley is never possible.

Q12: What is the accommodation like on the trek?
A12: Accommodation is in teahouses or lodges, offering basic amenities. The quality varies, but it’s part of the adventure.

Q13: Are vegetarian and vegan meal options available?
A13: Yes, teahouses offer a variety of meal choices, including vegetarian and vegan options.

Q14: Is there electricity and internet connectivity?
A14: Electricity and internet access are limited along the trekking route, particularly in higher altitudes.

Q15: Can I use credit cards or ATMs on the trek?
A15: It’s advisable to carry cash in Nepalese rupees for expenses, as credit card and ATM facilities are limited.

Q16: How do I get to the starting point of the trek?
A16: The trek usually starts from Arughat or Soti Khola. You can hire a private vehicle or take a bus from Kathmandu.

Q17: What should I pack for Tsum Valley Trekking?
A17: Essentials include trekking gear, clothing layers, sturdy footwear, a sleeping bag, personal medications, and a good camera.

Q18: Is it necessary to book in advance?
A18: It’s recommended to book with a reputable trekking agency in advance, especially during peak seasons.

Q19: Can I buy trekking gear in Kathmandu?
A19: Yes, Kathmandu offers a wide range of trekking gear and equipment shops.

Q20: How do I stay safe on the trek?
A20: Follow your guide’s instructions, trek at a comfortable pace, stay hydrated, and respect local customs.

Q21: Is travel insurance necessary?
A21: Travel insurance is strongly recommended to cover medical emergencies, evacuation, and trip cancellations.

Q22: What are the cultural highlights of Tsum Valley?
A22: You’ll encounter monasteries like Rachen Gompa and Mu Gompa, and interact with the Tsumba people, known for their unique culture.

Q23: Are there any age restrictions for the trek?
A23: The trek is suitable for a range of ages, but trekkers should be in reasonably good health and fitness.

Q24: Can I extend my trek to other regions?
A24: Yes, Tsum Valley Trek can be combined with the Manaslu Circuit Trek or other routes for a longer adventure.

Q25: Is bottled water available on the trek?
A25: While bottled water is available, it’s better for the environment to use water purification methods or carry a reusable bottle.

Q26: Are there emergency medical facilities on the trek?
A26: Basic medical facilities are available in some villages, but it’s important to have a well-stocked first aid kit and travel insurance.

Q27: How do I deal with altitude sickness?
A27: Ascend gradually, stay hydrated, and pay attention to your body. Descend if symptoms worsen.

Q28: What’s the Tsum Valley’s unique cultural feature?
A28: The Tsumba people’s distinct culture, language, and traditions remain relatively untouched by modern influences.

Q29: Can I learn about Buddhism during the trek?
A29: Yes, you’ll have the opportunity to visit monasteries, interact with monks, and gain insights into Buddhist practices.

Q30: Are there wildlife and nature attractions on the trek?
A30: The trek passes through diverse landscapes with opportunities to spot wildlife like Himalayan tahr, red panda, and various bird species.

Q31: Does this agency – Glacier Family Treks offers Tsum Valley packages?
A31: Yes, we-  Glacier Family Treks & Expedition,  offer Tsum Valley trekking packages.

Q32: Can I customize my trekking itinerary?
A32: Many trekking agencies allow some flexibility to customize your itinerary based on your preferences.

Q33: Is camping possible on the trek?
A33: While most trekkers stay in tea houses, camping can be arranged if you prefer that experience.

Q34: What is the impact of tourism on Tsum Valley?
A34: Responsible tourism is encouraged to minimize negative impacts on the environment and local culture.

Q35: Can I buy souvenirs in Tsum Valley?
A35: Local handicrafts, prayer flags, and small souvenirs are available for purchase in some villages.

Q36: How can I respect local customs and traditions?
A36: Dress modestly, ask for permission before taking photos, and follow your guide’s advice on cultural norms.

Q37: Are there any customs or etiquette I should know about?
A37: Remove your shoes before entering monasteries and homes, and greet locals with “Namaste.”
Q38: What happens in case of bad weather?
A38: Trekking schedules might need adjustment due to bad weather. Follow your guide’s recommendations for safety.

Q39: Can I charge my electronic devices on the trek?
A39: Charging facilities are available in some teahouses, usually for an additional fee.

Q40: What is the role of a trekking guide?
A40: A trekking guide provides navigation, cultural insights, safety assistance, and ensures a smooth trekking experience.

Q41: Is tipping customary for guides and porters?
A41: Tipping is a gesture of appreciation for good service. Your trekking agency can provide guidance on appropriate amounts.

Q42: What is the unique attraction of Mu Gompa?
A42: Mu Gompa’s stunning location, ancient artifacts, and opportunities for meditation make it a highlight of the trek.

Q43: How do I book accommodations along the trek?
A43: Trekking agencies usually handle accommodation bookings in advance.

Q44: Are there age restrictions for permits?
A44: There are no strict age restrictions, but children and elderly trekkers should consult with a medical professional.

Q45: What cultural experiences can I expect?
A45: Engage in local customs, attend monastery rituals, and gain insights into the Tsumba people’s way of life.

Q46: Is there mobile network coverage on the trek?
A46: Mobile network coverage is limited, especially in higher altitudes.

Q47: What’s the significance of Lhosar festival?
A47: Lhosar, the Tibetan New Year, is celebrated with dances, rituals, and feasting, marking a renewal of spirit in Tsum Valley.

Q48: Can I trek to Tsum Valley independently?
A48: While possible, joining a guided trek enhances safety, cultural understanding, and logistics.

Q49: What’s the recommended group size for trekking?
A49: Group size can vary, but traveling in small groups ensures a more personalized experience.

Q50: How do I book a Tsum Valley trekking package?
A50: Research reputable trekking agencies, compare packages, and book in advance to secure your adventure.



Upon your arrival at Kathmandu airport, our team will warmly welcome you and transfer you to your hotel. Take this day to relax and acclimatize to the altitude while exploring the vibrant streets of Kathmandu.

Today is dedicated to obtaining the necessary permits for the trek and exploring Kathmandu. You can immerse yourself in the city’s culture, visit local markets, and explore historical sites.

Drive from Kathmandu to Soti Khola. As you leave the city behind, the journey takes you through scenic landscapes and rural settlements. Arrive at Soti Khola, your starting point for the trek.

Begin your trek with a scenic trail that leads you along the Budhi Gandaki River. Traverse through charming villages and lush forests, reaching the quaint village of Machha Khola by evening.

Continue your journey, crossing suspension bridges and enjoying views of waterfalls. The trail winds through terraced fields and diverse landscapes as you make your way to the village of Jagat.

The trek today takes you through peaceful forests, ascending to higher altitudes. As you arrive in Lokpa, you’ll notice the change in landscape and get a glimpse of the cultural diversity that defines the region.

Hike to Chumling, passing through enchanting villages. The trail offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains, and you’ll have the opportunity to interact with locals and learn about their way of life.

Today’s trek takes you to Chhokangparo, offering panoramic vistas of the Ganesh Himal and other peaks. Explore the village and immerse yourself in the local culture.

As you venture higher, the landscape changes, and you’ll reach the villages of Nile and Chhule. These settlements offer a unique blend of Tibetan culture and breathtaking mountain views.

Trek to the revered Mu Gompa, the largest monastery in the region. Enroute, be captivated by the awe-inspiring vistas of Ganesh Himal and other towering peaks.

Take a well-deserved rest day at Mu Gompa for acclimatization. Explore the monastery, soak in the serene ambiance, and relish the panoramic views that surround you.

Descend from Mu Gompa, following a trail that leads to the picturesque Burgi Village. Enjoy the tranquility and the slower pace of village life.

Retrace your steps as you hike back to Chumling. Cherish the familiarity of the trail and the memories you’ve made along the way.

Continue your trek to Philim, passing through beautiful landscapes and charming villages. Interact with locals and absorb the cultural richness of the region.

As you descend to lower altitudes, the landscape changes once again. The trail takes you through lush forests and picturesque settings, eventually leading you to Machhakhola.

Conclude or resume  your trek by making your way back to Soti Khola. Reflect on the incredible journey you’ve undertaken and the unique experiences you’ve gathered.

The final piece of your journey as you drive from Soti Khola back to Kathmandu. Admire the changing scenery and return to the city.

Depending on your flight schedule, you’ll have some free time in Kathmandu for last-minute exploration or shopping before our team assists you with your departure from the Kathmandu airport.

What's Include in Cost

    • Airport pick up and drive according as per program.
    • Hotel-Accommodation in Kathmandu according to program.
    • Tsum Valley Trekking- Special Permits.
    • Manaslu Conservation Entrance Permits.
    • TIMS cards: Trekking Information Management System.
    • Food and accommodation during the trip: B/L/D.
    • Hot drinks- Teak, Coffee, etc during the trek.
    • Trained-Licensed Holder English Speaking trekking guide.
    • Porters and guide with their wages.
    • Insurance for guide and porters.
    • All land transportation according to program and Itinerary.
    • Applicable Nepal government tax.

What's Excluded in Cost

    • Nepal entry visa- USD 40.00 for one month.
    • International flights and airport tax.
    • Travel insurance.
    • Personal expenses, Hot water and Mineral water during the trekking.
    • Hot shower and Laundry service.
    • Chocolates, juice, Coke-Fanta and Bar Bills.
    • Internet and Battery charge.
    • Emergency evacuation.

Fixed Departure



Inportant Things Required


When you are up in the mountains in Nepal, we would suggest you to be ready for anything. Weather forecasts for Lukla are never correct and different sources will give you different information. If it is a really bad day in terms of weather, the airlines will themselves cancel the flight and you might have to wait till the weather clears. Yes, flying in high altitude is never easy, even on a clear sunny day, the plane might face turbulence because of the wind blowing from the mountains. But overall the flight to Lukla is very exciting and it’s an experience that you will never forget.

When you are up in the mountains in Nepal, we would suggest you to be ready for anything. Weather forecasts for Lukla are never correct and different sources will give you different information. If it is a really bad day in terms of weather, the airlines will themselves cancel the flight and you might have to wait till the weather clears. Yes, flying in high altitude is never easy, even on a clear sunny day, the plane might face turbulence because of the wind blowing from the mountains. But overall the flight to Lukla is very exciting and it’s an experience that you will never forget.

When you are up in the mountains in Nepal, we would suggest you to be ready for anything. Weather forecasts for Lukla are never correct and different sources will give you different information. If it is a really bad day in terms of weather, the airlines will themselves cancel the flight and you might have to wait till the weather clears. Yes, flying in high altitude is never easy, even on a clear sunny day, the plane might face turbulence because of the wind blowing from the mountains. But overall the flight to Lukla is very exciting and it’s an experience that you will never forget.

When you are up in the mountains in Nepal, we would suggest you to be ready for anything. Weather forecasts for Lukla are never correct and different sources will give you different information. If it is a really bad day in terms of weather, the airlines will themselves cancel the flight and you might have to wait till the weather clears. Yes, flying in high altitude is never easy, even on a clear sunny day, the plane might face turbulence because of the wind blowing from the mountains. But overall the flight to Lukla is very exciting and it’s an experience that you will never forget.


  • star rating  Trek from pokhara - The trek was amazing. We prepared it by Mail with Dilu, and he is very professionnal and he answered all the questions we had.
    We met him at the... read more

    May 19, 2019

    star rating  Great experience - Great experience with Dilu who has been very helpful, pro efficient and very nice !
    He helped us in defining the itinerary of the trek and took time to... read more

    June 26, 2022

    star rating  Family trekking in the Annapurna Range - Kathmandu and Pokhara visit for a few days, and 14 days trekking in the Annapurna Range with our kids (7, 9 ans 11 years-old).
    Amazing trip.
    Dilu is really an... read more

    March 25, 2019
  • star rating  Five treks and soon a sixth - Five treks and soon a sixth one speak by themselves from 2007 till next March. Just wonderful treks in the Upper Mustang (winter/summer), around the Manaslu, in the Tsum Valley,... read more

    Laurent R
    January 15, 2019

    star rating  It was one of the best and fantastique trekking in te Dudhkundo Lake trek with Dilu Rai our french speapking guide for second time in Népal.
    I think no... read more

    February 24, 2023

    star rating  Dudh Kunda trek - flawless organisation, again ! - The Dudh Kunda trek was the second trek I have done with Dilu and his team, after the Langtang trek of 2008. My family has known Dilu for over 20... read more

    November 17, 2022
  • star rating  Trekking through the mustang valley with the family. Dilu and his team made sure we had a life changing experience, and i would highly recommend it to anyone regardless of... read more

    January 30, 2019

    star rating  Two treks, a lot of great souvenirs - Super treks with great guide and boys team. Very knowledgeable about Nepal’s culture and montains, nice and warm guide.

    January 17, 2019

    star rating  Glacier Family Treks & Expedition - Perfect organisation. Great kindness and skillfulness of Dilu and his team. Dilu offers “a la carte” treks with great flexibility (altitude, hours of walking, regions...) according to the group. I... read more

    January 15, 2019
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